Rooftop HVAC equipment, waste receptacles, and other unsightly equipment are commonplace in today’s commercial industries. Unfortunately, these items are necessary but unsightly. However, screening can help building owners enhance aesthetics and meet code requirements. Screening offers not only a visual benefit but also helps to improve the safety and security of your property. This course offers an in-depth discussion of rooftop and ground screening, the various ways to screen, and considerations when selecting a screen for your project. Different installation techniques and comparative characteristics of traditional screening methods versus unit-attached and modular screening methods are also discussed.
Insulation is an integral part of the building envelope and helps improve energy efficiency, reduce emissions and support resiliency of metal building structures. In this presentation we will cover different metal building structures and key insulation considerations to meet your client’s expectations and help them reach any sustainable design goals for the project. Specifically, focusing on saving energy, reducing air leakage and selecting the best insulation materials for the application, while meeting the current building code requirements for your climate zone.